Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Fuck you and all we've been through

Stii ce? Am fost intelegatoare, ai fost in spital, ai avut probleme. Am inteles, am simpatizat, am fost chiar ingrijorata, am sperat sa te faci bine. Si te-ai facut. Si ai venit acasa. Si ai aflat ca vrea sa ia cu el un joc nenorocit pe care oricum nu il joci. Ca sa avem si noi ce face din cand in cand. Dar nu, tu intri in panica, doamne, daca iti stricam jocul? Daca il distrug in bagaj?

You know what? Fuck you. Aveam de gand sa imi para rau ca el e aici cand tu clar nu esti bine. Acum nu imi mai pare rau. Mai du-te dracu. Scarba.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on this one. Urat din partea ei!

waste of paint said...

What annoyed me is that she knew and only now, 2 days before he goes, does she speak up about it.

----- said...

Is it Angel? Duude, why would she react like that?! You're totally entitled to get mad! *hug* Hope everything turns out right. Wub!!!

waste of paint said...

It is her, yes. And according to his explanation, "she is paranoid". I got mad because I even wiki-ed the damn rules and we were planning on playing it a lot. But, no, her game and obviously she'll get paranoid and freak.

I told him not to bother talking to her. I had a good mind to yell at her. Bitch. I hope it works okay too. Wub you more! <333

----- said...

What game was it? :*:*:*:*:*

waste of paint said...

Carcassonne. He managed to sway her and the game is coming. He lands in 2h. I leave to get him in 1h. This is for nutrition purposes (going to Subway to get a sandwich). I feel kinda... zingy. :*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*

----- said...

How was it??? :P And yes, you still owe me a letter if I'm not mistaken :P Hope you're doing well :*:*:*

waste of paint said...

I will be blogging about it tomorrow, I think. It was...surreal. CAND VII AICI SA ITI SPUN TOT?! And yep, letter, I"ll be right on it! :O :x:x:x:*:*:*

----- said...

I can't post a comment on the entry with the Irish bear pic...:((((

waste of paint said...

De ce?!?!?!?!?!? Any error message or anything?!

----- said...

"Your HTML cannot be accepted: PHP, ASP, and other server-side scripting is not allowed." X.X

waste of paint said...

O fi blogger iar cu probleme >_> Damn technology. Eu ma uit la Sailor Moon. E un pic straniu, un amestec de "mi-e dor de tine" cu "oh god i haven't watched this in 12 years". As plange, dar am dat deja in patetism!