Din ciclul de povestiri "Ale si ambitia datatoare de viata", iata cum incep eu proiectul world war X cu primul post dintr-o serie inceputa de Imparat. Carte, cantec, film, pictor.
Citim: Dance Dance Dance de Haruki Murakami
Ascultam: Supermassive Black Hole, Muse (eh, hai, bine, nu e "cultura" dar totusi...)
Urmarim: Slumdog Millionaire, 2008, regie Danny Boyle.
Admiram: Still Life, Salvador Dali.
In vesti nu la fel de interesante, acum am varsta legala in toate tarile de care stiu, therefore nu mai sunt jail bait. Eh, asta e. :P De distrat m-am distrat si nu am fost singura in final, ceea ce, clar, nu ma asteptam sa se intample.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Thursday, 22 January 2009
look at this photograph
Pasind pe urmele marilor Lomo dinaintea mea (in cazul de fata Ionuca si Ralu), m-am gandit sa-mi iau si eu o camera cute, din anii '60, ca antiteza la ce am acum (anume Nikon Coolpix).
Bun, bun, de luat luam, dar ce. Aici astept si eu ceva propuneri. Mi-ar surade un ActionSampler, dar si Diana+ Edelweiss sau pur si simplu Diana+ sunt interesante. Sincera sa fiu, sunt obsedata de poze soft, dreamy, hm... cum sa zic... airy fairy se potriveste cel mai bine. De asta, tot de Ralu primita ideea, mi-am scos Poladroid. Dar una e Polaroid si alta e un film cu adevarat vechi.
Okay people, someone? Help, please?
Bun, bun, de luat luam, dar ce. Aici astept si eu ceva propuneri. Mi-ar surade un ActionSampler, dar si Diana+ Edelweiss sau pur si simplu Diana+ sunt interesante. Sincera sa fiu, sunt obsedata de poze soft, dreamy, hm... cum sa zic... airy fairy se potriveste cel mai bine. De asta, tot de Ralu primita ideea, mi-am scos Poladroid. Dar una e Polaroid si alta e un film cu adevarat vechi.
Okay people, someone? Help, please?
book covers:
the world according to others
Sunday, 18 January 2009
i did it my way
Am stat pe proiectul asta zile intregi, de parca il cloceam sau ceva de genul asta. Nu e ca si cum am scris despre alte lucruri super interesante. Ar fi prea usor sa dau vina pe munca, dar deh, ce sa fac. Lene, plus somn plus munca = no entry. Dar, cum peste o saptamana ajung si eu la glorioasa varsta de 21 ani, am decis sa incep o lista de genul New Year resolutions, cu un format diferit.
Ideea a fost preluata de aici. Anyway, e vorba de o lista cu 101 resolutions, de terminat in 1001 zile. Adica, daca voi incepe pe 25 ianuarie 2009, trebuie sa completez lista pana in 23 octombrie 2011. Sa vedem daca o sa pot sau nu! Toate telurile trebuie sa fie measurable. Nu poti spune: "Vreau sa slabesc." Spui "Vreau sa slabesc 7 kilograme."
Without further ado, my list.
1. Graduate in 2010 with a 1:1 (70% or higher).
2. Become fluent in German and finish the course with 1:1.
3. Learn enough French to be able to watch a film without subtitles.
4. Start learning Swedish. Know enough to translate this list.
5. Start learning Japanese. Know enough to translate this list.
6. Continue reading at least 50 books a year. Review at least half.
7. Finish the photography course at the Volkshochschule.
Blogs/online presence
8. Blog at least once a week on all blogs.
9. Keep the themed Sundays from this post.
10. Have a bi-monthly post about Germany. Include pictures.
11. Update my Flickr account every 2 months.
12. Start a podcast and update it monthly.
Photography & Crafts
13. Go on a photowalk around Stuttgart once a week.
14. Complete the 100 snapshots challenge.
15. Create a Polaroid folder and share it.
16. Create a scrapbook.
17. Send a postcard to PostSecret.
18. Knit a rainbow scarf for Bex.
19. Win NaNoWriMo.
20. Complete my series of short stories on the Zombie Apocalypse.
21. Write at least half of my novel.
22. Write fanfiction and post it at least every quarter.
23. Start the joint writing project with Bex.
24. Start a webcomic.
25. Write once a day, even if it just replies to RPGs. Stop slacking off!
Gaming and Geekery
26. Play at least one FPS (first person shooter). Blog about it.
27. Play at least one RPG (role play game). Blog about it.
28. Complete all Silent Hill games.
29. Complete one Zelda game (Wii, DS, whatever console).
30. Play at least one session of Dungeons and Dragons.
31. Participate in one LARP (live action role play).
32. Read one Marvel and one DC comic book or series.
Health and beauty (pfft)
33. Stand up straight.
34. Stop chewing your fingernails.
35. Go to a spa for a day.
36. Learn how to properly apply make up.
37. Dye your hair again.
38. Go swimming once a week.
39. Walk more, instead of relying on public transport.
40. Take the stairs at work every morning from now until July.
41. Buy/rent a bike and cycle through the city.
42. Eat at least 5 different types of fruit and veg a day.
43. Paint my nails at least once and do a good job.
44. Moisturise daily.
Travelling and adventure
45. Visit Prague.
46. Visit Oslo.
47. Visit Stockholm.
48. Visit Helsinki.
49. Visit Copenhagen.
50. Visit the Benelux.
51. Go on a trip through Europe.
52. Have a summer fling.
54. Swim with dolphins.
55. Go into an igloo for the night.
56. See Northern Lights.
57. See and feed a fox! <3
Music and culture
58. Go to at least one music festival a year.
59. See at least one band live outside of said festival.
60. Go to an anime con.
61. Visit different kinds of museums.
62. See one opera every three months at least.
63. See a classical music concert every quarter.
64. See one ballet performance every quarter.
65. Go to an alternative theatre performance.
66. See "The Lion King" or "Les Miserables" musicals.
67. Visit the European capital of culture for that year.
Volunteering and being green
68. Do a race for a charity of my choice.
69. Do a race/benefit for Cancer Research.
70. Join a march for Gay Rights.
71. Donate clothes and toys to charity in Romania.
72. Go to a kindergarten or under-funded school for a day and volunteer to help.
73. Get involved in a green campaign.
74. Stop taking plastic bags from shops and use my cloth ones.
75. Take better care of Martha and help her grow.
Friends and loved ones
76. Write a letter to a friend once a month.
77. Participate more actively in Postcrossing.
78. Get an apartment together with Him.
79. Meet my friends in Romania more often when I'm there.
80. Tell my parents I love them every time we talk.
81. Tell Him I love Him every day.
82. Meet someone I used to hold a grudge against and bury the hatchet.
83. Forgive more easily and not bring up the past in every single argument.
Cooking and food
84. Learn to cook 10 different medium to high difficulty meals.
85. Eat vegetarian for a week.
86. Try 15 different types of food I have never tried before.
87. Make a roast meal for Sunday dinner.
88. Bake a cake from one of mom's recipes.
89. Find a job after graduation!
90. Kiss Bex. <3
91. Learn how to juggle.
92. Snowboard at least once every winter for a week.
93. Go to a BDSM club with Him.
94. Get a piercing.
95. Watch one film a week and blog about it.
96. Get quoted at Damned.
97. Do an all-nighter again.
98. See Bill Bailey live.
99. Meet a celebrity (preferably someone like Neil Gaiman or Terry Pratchett) and get a book signed by them.
100. Save up €100 every month.
101. Donate €15 to an animal shelter for every goal I fail to accomplish. Of course, blogging about each achieved goal is understood!
As adauga si "smile more" dar poate ca atunci sunt prea ambitioasa! ;) In orice caz tot ar fi ceva sa termin si jumatate din lista. Ar fi interesant sa vad daca mai preia cineva ideea. Stiu ca la un moment dat Spadez discuta cu mine pe tema asta. In fine, important e sa te distrezi cu proiectul. Din 25 incep eu. Voi de cand?
Ideea a fost preluata de aici. Anyway, e vorba de o lista cu 101 resolutions, de terminat in 1001 zile. Adica, daca voi incepe pe 25 ianuarie 2009, trebuie sa completez lista pana in 23 octombrie 2011. Sa vedem daca o sa pot sau nu! Toate telurile trebuie sa fie measurable. Nu poti spune: "Vreau sa slabesc." Spui "Vreau sa slabesc 7 kilograme."
Without further ado, my list.
1. Graduate in 2010 with a 1:1 (70% or higher).
2. Become fluent in German and finish the course with 1:1.
3. Learn enough French to be able to watch a film without subtitles.
4. Start learning Swedish. Know enough to translate this list.
5. Start learning Japanese. Know enough to translate this list.
6. Continue reading at least 50 books a year. Review at least half.
7. Finish the photography course at the Volkshochschule.
Blogs/online presence
8. Blog at least once a week on all blogs.
9. Keep the themed Sundays from this post.
10. Have a bi-monthly post about Germany. Include pictures.
11. Update my Flickr account every 2 months.
12. Start a podcast and update it monthly.
Photography & Crafts
13. Go on a photowalk around Stuttgart once a week.
14. Complete the 100 snapshots challenge.
15. Create a Polaroid folder and share it.
16. Create a scrapbook.
17. Send a postcard to PostSecret.
18. Knit a rainbow scarf for Bex.
19. Win NaNoWriMo.
20. Complete my series of short stories on the Zombie Apocalypse.
21. Write at least half of my novel.
22. Write fanfiction and post it at least every quarter.
23. Start the joint writing project with Bex.
24. Start a webcomic.
25. Write once a day, even if it just replies to RPGs. Stop slacking off!
Gaming and Geekery
26. Play at least one FPS (first person shooter). Blog about it.
27. Play at least one RPG (role play game). Blog about it.
28. Complete all Silent Hill games.
29. Complete one Zelda game (Wii, DS, whatever console).
30. Play at least one session of Dungeons and Dragons.
31. Participate in one LARP (live action role play).
32. Read one Marvel and one DC comic book or series.
Health and beauty (pfft)
33. Stand up straight.
34. Stop chewing your fingernails.
35. Go to a spa for a day.
36. Learn how to properly apply make up.
37. Dye your hair again.
38. Go swimming once a week.
39. Walk more, instead of relying on public transport.
40. Take the stairs at work every morning from now until July.
41. Buy/rent a bike and cycle through the city.
42. Eat at least 5 different types of fruit and veg a day.
43. Paint my nails at least once and do a good job.
44. Moisturise daily.
Travelling and adventure
45. Visit Prague.
46. Visit Oslo.
47. Visit Stockholm.
48. Visit Helsinki.
49. Visit Copenhagen.
50. Visit the Benelux.
51. Go on a trip through Europe.
52. Have a summer fling.
54. Swim with dolphins.
55. Go into an igloo for the night.
56. See Northern Lights.
57. See and feed a fox! <3
Music and culture
58. Go to at least one music festival a year.
59. See at least one band live outside of said festival.
60. Go to an anime con.
61. Visit different kinds of museums.
62. See one opera every three months at least.
63. See a classical music concert every quarter.
64. See one ballet performance every quarter.
65. Go to an alternative theatre performance.
66. See "The Lion King" or "Les Miserables" musicals.
67. Visit the European capital of culture for that year.
Volunteering and being green
68. Do a race for a charity of my choice.
69. Do a race/benefit for Cancer Research.
70. Join a march for Gay Rights.
71. Donate clothes and toys to charity in Romania.
72. Go to a kindergarten or under-funded school for a day and volunteer to help.
73. Get involved in a green campaign.
74. Stop taking plastic bags from shops and use my cloth ones.
75. Take better care of Martha and help her grow.
Friends and loved ones
76. Write a letter to a friend once a month.
77. Participate more actively in Postcrossing.
78. Get an apartment together with Him.
79. Meet my friends in Romania more often when I'm there.
80. Tell my parents I love them every time we talk.
81. Tell Him I love Him every day.
82. Meet someone I used to hold a grudge against and bury the hatchet.
83. Forgive more easily and not bring up the past in every single argument.
Cooking and food
84. Learn to cook 10 different medium to high difficulty meals.
85. Eat vegetarian for a week.
86. Try 15 different types of food I have never tried before.
87. Make a roast meal for Sunday dinner.
88. Bake a cake from one of mom's recipes.
89. Find a job after graduation!
90. Kiss Bex. <3
91. Learn how to juggle.
92. Snowboard at least once every winter for a week.
93. Go to a BDSM club with Him.
94. Get a piercing.
95. Watch one film a week and blog about it.
96. Get quoted at Damned.
97. Do an all-nighter again.
98. See Bill Bailey live.
99. Meet a celebrity (preferably someone like Neil Gaiman or Terry Pratchett) and get a book signed by them.
100. Save up €100 every month.
101. Donate €15 to an animal shelter for every goal I fail to accomplish. Of course, blogging about each achieved goal is understood!
As adauga si "smile more" dar poate ca atunci sunt prea ambitioasa! ;) In orice caz tot ar fi ceva sa termin si jumatate din lista. Ar fi interesant sa vad daca mai preia cineva ideea. Stiu ca la un moment dat Spadez discuta cu mine pe tema asta. In fine, important e sa te distrezi cu proiectul. Din 25 incep eu. Voi de cand?
book covers:
101 in 1001,
breaking up the girl
Thursday, 1 January 2009
do i follow the star or the gypsy king?
La Multi Ani, everyone! :D In timp ce lumea sarea de nebuna pe Animal (chi)X si Zdob si Zdub in Piata Constitutiei, am ales sa stau acasa, cu minunata galeata de haleala de la KFC, o pizza de Pizza Hut, bautura, sora si pisoi. Si, cum se decisese mai inainte, Mega Chat of Epic pe Yahoo.
Invitatii au fost Spadez, Roxa si Irinutza. S-au purtat discutii pe orice tema imaginabila, de la minunatiile TV gen Antene vs iRealitati, pana la nume de formatii. Am intrat in 2009 cu un chat de 60 de pagini. Cu ocazia acestei intalniri intre mai marii blogosferei, va spunem, muritorilor, ce am aflat:
Maretii vor vota fie pentru actualul comandant, fie vor face desene pe buletinul de vot.
Avem o groaza de talent in noi si in curand vom castiga premii la Eurovision, Bestfest, Peninsula si Cerbul de Aur. De asemenea, domnul Moculescu va discuta de acum cu doritorii de concerte.
Mama face prajituri bune. Puteti veni sa ne vedeti cum ajungem staruri dintr-o formatie de garaj.
Virginitatea nu e ceva de care sa-ti fie rusine. De fapt, mai bine virgin decat clitoris international!
Toti am avut, la un moment dat, bibeloaie in case. Cine nu a avut peste sau pescar e un ratat.
De asemenea, regimul de bibelou comunist ne-ar fi putut transforma pe toti in criminali. Cu unii aproape ca s-a si intamplat!
Fernando de la Caransebes in featuring. Primul concert in Bobohalme, la caminul cultural.
S-a discutat sex appeal-ul blogosferei. S-a ajuns la o concluzie simpla: BUUUUCUUUUUREEEENCI!
De asemenea, caii sunt barbatii viitorului.
Credeti ca 2girls1cup e rau? Incercati lotus boob sau 1man1jar.
In timp ce unii cauta salvarea in pamantul sfant al Piperei, fie ca sfantul Jiji sa ne proteze de boale, altii primesc binecuvantari divine. Ateii ard in iad.
Y!M chat a devenit Hostel dupa vreo 3 ore. Eu disparusem pentru conversatia de Anul Nou cu EL. M-am intors, cu toate membrele la locul lor.
In final, The Doggy Way s-au culcat, ca pinguinii.
Pe aceasta cale multumesc colegilor de trupa, pentru ca au fost EPIC si AWESOME si am avut un Revelion bestial. Daca nu credeti ca avem viata, nu aveti bilete la after party-ul de lansare al albumului de debut. Bistosh.
Acest entry poate a fost un pamflet. Sau poate nu. Multumirile, persze sunt pe bune. =))
Invitatii au fost Spadez, Roxa si Irinutza. S-au purtat discutii pe orice tema imaginabila, de la minunatiile TV gen Antene vs iRealitati, pana la nume de formatii. Am intrat in 2009 cu un chat de 60 de pagini. Cu ocazia acestei intalniri intre mai marii blogosferei, va spunem, muritorilor, ce am aflat:
Avem o groaza de talent in noi si in curand vom castiga premii la Eurovision, Bestfest, Peninsula si Cerbul de Aur. De asemenea, domnul Moculescu va discuta de acum cu doritorii de concerte.
Mama face prajituri bune. Puteti veni sa ne vedeti cum ajungem staruri dintr-o formatie de garaj.
Virginitatea nu e ceva de care sa-ti fie rusine. De fapt, mai bine virgin decat clitoris international!
Toti am avut, la un moment dat, bibeloaie in case. Cine nu a avut peste sau pescar e un ratat.
De asemenea, regimul de bibelou comunist ne-ar fi putut transforma pe toti in criminali. Cu unii aproape ca s-a si intamplat!
Fernando de la Caransebes in featuring. Primul concert in Bobohalme, la caminul cultural.
S-a discutat sex appeal-ul blogosferei. S-a ajuns la o concluzie simpla: BUUUUCUUUUUREEEENCI!
De asemenea, caii sunt barbatii viitorului.
Credeti ca 2girls1cup e rau? Incercati lotus boob sau 1man1jar.
In timp ce unii cauta salvarea in pamantul sfant al Piperei, fie ca sfantul Jiji sa ne proteze de boale, altii primesc binecuvantari divine. Ateii ard in iad.
Y!M chat a devenit Hostel dupa vreo 3 ore. Eu disparusem pentru conversatia de Anul Nou cu EL. M-am intors, cu toate membrele la locul lor.
In final, The Doggy Way s-au culcat, ca pinguinii.
Pe aceasta cale multumesc colegilor de trupa, pentru ca au fost EPIC si AWESOME si am avut un Revelion bestial. Daca nu credeti ca avem viata, nu aveti bilete la after party-ul de lansare al albumului de debut. Bistosh.
Acest entry poate a fost un pamflet. Sau poate nu. Multumirile, persze sunt pe bune. =))
book covers:
shiny happy people
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